March 30, 2014

Karugamo (Anas poecilorhyncha) ducks: Engaku-ji

A couple of Karugamo ducks have stealthily returned to this quiet pond from the south for a new breeding season.

Winter is gone already and spring is deepening gradually. Even the faint signs of early summer are appearing in the fresh buds of leaves and flowers shining in the sun.

The seasons are turning every moment of our life to show us the beautiful secrets of the universe.

These waterbirds are slowly dancing in a circle on the water surface as if to sing joy spring softly.

Ume (Japanese apricot) blossoms: Tokei-ji

The blossoms of Ume are blooming with grace to celebrate the return of spring at the very first.

Soon these blossoms will vanish into the fragrantly-scented air without any trace.

With the passing of seasons, every flower blooms and falls wholeheartedly.

Ume (Japanese apricot) blossoms: Kaizo-ji

Sazanka (Camellia sasanqua) flowers: Kaizo-ji

Mitsumata (Edgeworthia chrysantha) flowers: Jochi-ji

Ume (Japanese apricot) blossoms: Kaizo-ji

Mitsumata (Edgeworthia chrysantha) flowers: Jochi-ji

March 4, 2014

Ume (Japanese apricot) blossoms: Engaku-ji

However bitter and long winter may be, spring always returns here to bring joy into our hearts.

Although chilliness of winter still remains behind, the graceful blossoms of Ume are already with us to herald the arriving spring. The enticing aroma of these spring blossoms is faintly drifting in the gentle air of the gardens.

Soon birds will begin to twitter joyfully and insects will wake up to lively fly and jump about in the gardens, where fresh young leaves and flower buds are appearing one after another.

Remaining spring snow: Engaku-ji

A wave of cold weather from the north suddenly brought deep spring snow in one night.

The pure whiteness of snow has transformed the familiar sight of this garden into a black‐and‐white drawing.

In the air that carries the subtle scent of flowers, the mild spring sun is melting the remaining snow slowly.

Ume (Japanese apricot) blossoms: Engaku-ji

Ume (Japanese apricot) blossoms: Tokei-ji

Ume (Japanese apricot) blossoms: Tokei-ji

Snow-covered pond: Engaku-ji

Ume (Japanese apricot) blossoms: Engaku-ji

Ume (Japanese apricot) blossoms: Engaku-ji