February 25, 2018

White ume blossoms: Engaku-ji

white ume blossoms:Engaku-ji

Against the bright blue sky of early spring, the countless white blossoms of ume are in full bloom to nobly declare the arrival of this long-awaited season.

The rugged branches of the aged ume tree are persistently struggling to seek the sun and are drawing the flowing curves like the calligraphy of a Zen priest in the air.

The refreshing fragrance of blossoms is faintly floating here, which makes me confirm the awakening of beautiful spring.

Tamanawa-zakura blossoms: Tsurugaoka-hachimangu

In every season, flowers bloom to secretly imply to us the true essence of the nature.

The exquisiteness and transience of every flower wake our deepest respect and heartfelt affection for the universe in which we are living.

Red ume blossoms: Kaizo-ji

Red ume blossoms: Kaizo-ji

White ume blossoms: Engaku-ji

Red ume blossoms: Engaku-ji

Red ume blossoms: Engaku-ji

White ume blossoms: Engaku-ji

White ume blossoms: Engaku-ji

Red ume blossoms: Kawakita-kinenkan (Kamakura)

Red ume blossoms: Kawakita-kinenkan, kamakura

Fukujyu-so flowers: Kaizo-ji

Fukujyuso flowers: Kaizo-ji

White ume blossoms: Engaku-ji