July 22, 2024

Ajisai (hydrangea) flowers: Kencho-ji

Ajisai (hydrangea) flowers: Kencho-ji

The rainy season (Tsuyu) arrived, and Ajisai flowers are in full bloom all over Kita-kamakura, displaying a variety of enchanting colours, as if to enjoy the blessings of the abundant rainwater which they have long been waiting for.

Their graceful colours change little by little by the chemistry of the rain as each rainy day passes. As more days pass and the height of summer gradually approaches, Ajisai flowers begin to age gently due to the decreasing rainwater and rising temperatures. 

The cloudy rain period is passing quickly, and the vibrant petals of the flowers will begin to slowly dehydrate and fade away before the dazzling summer sunlight fully dominates here.

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